Measuring Your Firm's Success
Economic Value Created (EVA)
Background to the Industry
History of the Bike Industry
Market Summary
Segments - Commuters
Segments - Adventurers
Segments - Kids
Segments - Leisure
Segments - Racers
Retail Distribution Channels
Distributors - Bike Shops
Distributors - Department Stores
Distributors - Sports Stores
Background - Competitors
Developing a Long Term Strategy
The Strategic Management Process
Porter-Type Strategies
Balanced Scorecard
Just-In-Time Manufacturing (JIT)
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Screen - Main Decision
Firm Name
Screen - Product Decisions
Explanation - Production
Explanation - Product Attribute
Explanation - Marketing
Explanation - Market Segment
Explanation - Modifying a Product
Explanation - Launching a Product
Explanation - Project
Screen - Marketing and Production
Explanation - Product Window
Explanation - Price
Explanation - Finished Goods Inventory
Screen - Advertising
Explanation - Advertising Expenditure
Screen - Product PR
Screen - Launch New Product
Screen - Modify Product
Screen - Abandoning Products
Explanation - Abandon Products
Explanation - Decision Period
Screen - Perceptual Map
Screen - Distribution
Screen - Distributor Allocation
Screen - Branding
Screen - Equity and Dividends
Screen - Dividends
Explanation - Dividend
Explanation - Equity
Explanation - Issuing Equity
Explanation - Repurchasing Equity
Screen - Investor Public Relations
Screen - Debt
Explanation - Debt
Explanation - Long Term Debt
Screen - Investments
Screen - Takeover
Screen - Equity Transfer
Screen - Loan To Owned Firm
Screen - Owned Firm Debt To Bank
New Topic (3)
Screen - Owned Firm Investor PR
Screen - Sell Owned Firm
Screen - Product Development
Screen - New Project
Explanation - Project Modification
Explanation - Product Development Expenditure
Explanation - Project Attributes
Explanation - Base Project
Explanation - Product Prime Cost
Explanation - Project Name
Explanation - Project Characteristics
Explanation - Product Name
Explanation - Product Development Projects Available
Explanation - Product Development
Screen - Abandoning a Project
Screen - Capacity
Screen - Responsiveness
Explanation - Changing Factory Size
Explanation - Capacity
Capacity Allocation
Explanation - Supplier Relations
Explanation - Setup Time Reduction
Explanation - Raw Materials Inventory
Explanation - Raw Materials
Explanation - Stocking Out
Explanation - Changing Workforce Size
Explanation - Batch Size
Screen - Quality Decisions
Explanation - Average Salary
Explanation - Quality Systems Technology
Explanation - Inspection
Explanation - Training
Explanation - Maintenance
Factors to consider in making decisions
Data - Scenario Information
Data - Market Segment Summary
Data - Distribution Channels Costs
Data - Customer Shopping Habits
Data - Perceptual Map Diagram
Data - Operations Summary
Data - Product Development Summary
Data - Finance Summary
Data - Marketing
Data - Product Decisions
Data - Abandon Products
Data - Modify Products
Data - Advertising
Data - Branding
Data - Media Advertising of Products
Data - Pricing Decisions
Data - Media Product PR
Data - Media Watching Habits
Data - Operations
Data - Responsiveness
Data - Factory Capacity
Data - Determining Capacity Requirements
Data - Plant Size
Data - Administration Staff
Data - Raw Material Supply
Data - Production Lead Time
Data - Target Finished Goods Inventory
Data - Production Volume
Data - Setup Time Reduction
Data - Raw Materials Inventory
Data - Batch Size
Data - Quality
Data - Internal Quality
Data - Maintenance
Data - Worker Effectiveness
Data - Training
Data - Workforce Motivation Level
Data - Supplier Relations
Data - Inspection
Data - Quality Systems
Data - Finance
Data - Takeovers
Data - Overseeing Owned Companies
Data - Making a Takeover Bid
Data - Evaluating a Takeover Investment
Data - Finance - Debt and Equity
Data - Finance - Debt
Data - Shareholder Value
Data - Finance - Investor PR
Data - Finance - Equity
Data - Finance - Dividends
Data - Product Development
Data - Product Development - Attributes
Data - Product Development - Target Prime Cost
Explanation - Target Product Cost
Data - Product Launch
Understanding the Logic - Overview
Logic - Competitor Analysis
Logic - Competitor Moves
Logic - Your Response
Logic - Marketing
Logic - Product
Logic - Product PR
Logic - Product Advertising
Logic - Advertising
Logic - Branding
Logic - Promotion
Logic - Pricing
Logic - Distribution
Logic - Finance
Logic - Debt
Logic - Takeover
Logic - Dividends
Logic - Equity
Logic - Finance - Investor Public Relations
Logic - Demand
Logic - Shareholder Value
Logic - Share Price
Logic - Share Price Example
Logic - Operations
Logic - Capacity and Production
Logic - Machine Capacity
Logic - Workforce Capacity
Logic - Worker Effectiveness
Logic - Supplier Relations
Logic - Responsiveness
Logic - Lead Time
Logic - Quality
Logic - Cost
Logic - Product Development
Logic - Development Cost
Logic - Target Prime Cost
Logic - Product NPV
Logic - Product Attribute
Logic - New Attributes
Logic - Perceptual Map
Logic - Accounting
Viewing and Copying Reports
Copying and Pasting a Text Based Report
Copying and Pasting a Graph
Saving a Graph as an Image
Firm Performance Indicator
Very Bad!
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Retail Sales
Retail Sales Decreasing
Retail Sales Increasing
Retail Sales Steady
Income Decreasing
Income Increasing
Income Steady
Efficiency Decreasing
Efficiency Increasing
Efficiency Steady
Revenue Decreasing
Revenue Increasing
Revenue Steady